Monday, May 23, 2011

What Had Happen Was...My ASS!! The Lack of Responsibility in Today's Culture

Good evening to you all... Thank you for the responses from my first blog session. As I type, I can not explain how much this means to me. I am starting to find my niche in this big shopping mall called life, and I am excited to see what sales and items I may find along the way!!! Anyways, I digress... I want to discuss something that has always bothered me ever since growing up. And I am starting to see a trend as I get older which kind of pisses me off cause people are taking advantage of others and situations because of it. Let me explain...

As I was preparing for my personal "Last day of happy hour martini's and shit A.K.A. the rapture" party, I was reading this article about 4Loco blamed in death of 15yr old boy. Now many of us who are alcohol consumers are familiar with this fruity malt beverage that is very powerful to many due to the mixture of liquor and caffeine. Many legislators have banned this product from consumption in certain states because of the incidents that have arisen from students drinking the product THE WRONG WAY. What I mean is that they have consumed so much of this drink, they black out, run butt necked (yes necked not naked), etc. But as young as I can remember, there have always been warning signs and caution notices in the media, school, bars, at your aunt's house during the summer time , and whatnot about the consumption of alcohol. There have been many people who fail to take these warnings into consideration, do some stupid Sugar Honey Iced Tea and then want to blame the manufacture for the ending result. Sadly, this story that I mentioned above ended up in death, and the parents are now suing the makers because of their "marketing tactics".  Now I do feel sorry that there has been a life that was lost but just looking at the title, can you point out what is the first thing wrong with this... (ill give you a hint... the drinking age in the U.S. is 21). And here goes my rant...

How dare you try to sue the makers of this product when your child was underage to begin with? Exactly "where they do that at"? I would think you would start off with suing the damn store that sold them (as in the victim and his friends) the drink? Lets start off with the basics. In the article (because I know a lot of yaw will not read it...SMH), the parent's lawyer is claiming because of the marketing scheme that it misleads people... the PLUCK it doesn't. Again, the drinking age is 21. Most 21yr olds can read (I would hope so). So with any product, people know what they are getting themselves into. And to blame others for the mistakes people make just burns my soul!!! And this is where this leads up to... The lack of responsibility that folks today have for their actions. Let me explain...

We all know that as humans, we are far from perfect. We are expected to make mistakes and learn from them in the process so we can do better as people and lead by example. What I don't get is why so many people make the same damn mistakes and want to blame everyone else but themselves? I can admit when I have effed up. Others can as well. But there needs to be a damn cut off line or some shit cause folks are doing the most with their screw-ups. I was talking to my homefry back at home, and she was telling me how x,y and z always asking for some damn money cause they can't manage theirs. And I don't mean like $15, $20 bucks...I'm talking damn rent money? These same people can be found later on that week on your local Facebook club page at a major metropolitan city near you. Folks, its time to own up to your shit and FIGURE IT OUT! I blame the government... yes I know, very random right. But the way that people have in the past been able to rely on government programs and NOT TRYING to do anything else for themselves starts the trend of absentee adults in society. Again, there are folks who have fallen down on their luck, and this is what federal and state programs should be for. But I know some folks on government assistance, and driving on damn 22's while I am rolling on my alloy wheels! Dem my damn taxes that got your 2011 Charger subin (as in Sub Woofers). We got folks who are defaulting on their mortgages on purpose so they can buy a new house and chunk up the deuces to other homes. People mad at their baby mothers/fathers for not being in their child's life, yet getting pregnant/impregnating the same people thinking that another child might make that person change... GTFOH (get the fudge outta here- I will use this term a lot).

What happened to holding people at a higher standard these days? Someone told me that its my fault for expecting the most out of people due to the fact, many people really ain't about Sugar Honey Iced Tea. But are we in a way allowing people who eff up royally to continue this trend? When do we start confronting people about themselves? I think that its a way of showing that you care. But I know a lot of people are just quick to give these people smog coming from the emission of your car. Its OK to execute this practice at work (well depending on where you work, cause the government...ill leave it alone). Anywho, I am too tired and tipsy from my date to continue this rant. Please let me know how you feel about people and the tolerance for people's bull s*** in their personal and professional life. And again, spread the word about the blog!!! Tootles

1 comment:

  1. Basic people will do Basic shit.. I don't expect for anyone (other than self) to do anything above the average. If I do I will always be let down.. Money is the source for too many motivations, and they not seeking it for pure positive reasons either. I have a friend who consistently makes ignorant choices when it come to men. But, will curse your ass for making the same WRONG choice.. People are absurd in these days and I expect nothing less from them.. Back in the days when you got into a fight and you LOST you corrected the error that made you LOSE.. Now when you make a error you ride that error out and hope it turn to a positive..Lol.. SMH.. Shit has changed dramatically and people don't believe in OWNING UP TO THEY FUCK-UPS.. But good job on the Blog Bumblebee__C..
